Category: Policy

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Formal Observations – The Jury is Out!

 eddjms  January 3, 2023

My Gosh, STOP COMPLAINING… This was the feedback I received when I brought up our outdated, insignificant, tedious observation process. I am sure many of you have heard the same thing when discussing this top with various leaders, supervisors, local and state elected officials, and maybe even other teachers who are just tired of the topic.

Another piece of feedback I have received is that it is “impossible” to get the highest score possible across the board. Are we admitting that the goals are unattainable? Are we admitting that it is impossible to evaluate? Are we admitting…

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Teacher Turnover – When Do We Admit We Have a Problem? Not the Problem You Think!

 eddjms  November 28, 2022

So let’s do a little reflection. Lack of Support, Student Discipline Challenges, and Lack of Influence and Respect can all be solved by addressing the giant elephant in the room. Poor Leadership…

Great leadership renders a teacher shortage moot. A teacher shortage is only a problem if turnover is. Basic cause and effect. It’s elementary my dear teachers. Elementary!

Continue Reading Teacher Turnover – When Do We Admit We Have a Problem? Not the Problem You Think!